Cup is called the 'English Cup.' Or maybe the Nationwide League wouldn't surrender the precious rights to the name 'Birmingham City.' Likewise with UEFA: if you finish at the top of the Premiership, you won't be playing in the 'Champions League' next season, let me tell you.
Another problem is that while the game must have a Carling Premier League license there must be some problem with AXA and the F.A., since the F.A. For instance, the transfer system is quite primitive, and certainly not anywhere near that of a proper footy management sim, but it's there. It's not terribly sophisticated, mind you. Actually, you can now say ' was the lack of career play.' Because FIFA 2000 has it. The one big gripe everyone has had about this otherwise excellent series is the lack of career play. In short, if you've played Stars, the look of FIFA 2000 won't knock you off your seat. The players tend to have different builds: the ones in FIFA look more like Kanu whereas those in Stars are shaped a lot like Gazza. Okay, the faces in FIFA might be better, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that the game's graphics are much better overall than those in Stars. This is partially a function of the graphics engine in Stars, which seems to be more detailed at some levels than the one in FIFA 2000. The Premiership kits in Stars are much more detailed than those in FIFA 2000. One such feature is the depiction of league kits. In fact, an awful lot of things that were done in Stars could have been done here but weren't, which leaves import-crazy saddos like myself to wonder why EAseems to be developing a parallel arcade footy game with different features, some of which are superior to those in FIFA 99. Except that this exact feature has already been provided courtesy of EA's 'other' soccer release, F.A.