Age of empires 3 civilization strengths and weaknesses
Age of empires 3 civilization strengths and weaknesses

The Greek's poor early-game means you will be on the defensive until Bronze age at least, whereupon you may start to boom out and crush them with your strong economy. With all Market upgrades, you will be able to hold your own against any civ, with ones with strong Civ bonuses slanted to economy.

  • Economically, the Greeks have one of the strongest economies in the game.
  • This is no great loss since by the Iron Age, you will be looking to bring out the Centurion, which has more than enough attack power, coupled with the Civ buff of 20% cheaper units, you should find yourself with higher numbers than the enemies of the same quality.
  • Upgrades: The Greek have access to all upgrades except Metallurgy.
  • The only upgrades that are missing from the Temple (Monotheism, Zealotry, and Sacrifice) are not crippling to not have access to.
  • Greek Temples and Docks are however, also very good, with all units, and most upgrades being available.This coupled with the Greek's Civ bonus make them a decent force on the water.
  • This being the main weakness of the Greek Civ.
  • Greek Barracks and Archery Ranges have very little in the way of units after Tool age, and completely lose their effectiveness after that.
  • They have access to all Academy units, as well as most of their upgrades, on top of an incredible buff to their cost and speed by their Civ bonus. The Greek Civ are strong geared towards utilising their academy, with the second strongest Academy in the game (Next to Macedonians). So, in the mean time, I will just stick to their native buffs, and slowly implementĪcademy units have +30% speed and are 20% cheaper However, I'd like to get a little more time with the game before I can do that. Namely, some advise on actual Civ strats and more in-depth analysis on Passive stat buffs. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Disclaimer: I'm going to label this guide, as there is a lot of extra stuff I want to add in future months. So no Gunpowder, Trebuchets, and Bombards for you mid-maxxers, get rekt! This is reflected in both its choice of Civs, but its technology as well. While AoE II's theme was very much focused on the medievil period, the original takes on the Ancient Classical epochs.

    age of empires 3 civilization strengths and weaknesses

    This comes with a host of problems and imbalances, but if we accept that this game is but the embryo of what became Age of Empires II, arguably the best strategy game of all time, then I'm sure we can all get along and have a great time.

    age of empires 3 civilization strengths and weaknesses

    This is not Age of Empires 2, both in its lack of Unique units, and its sprites. This one will aim to be a reference for anything you might want to know about each civilisation, starting with thier Racial architecture (there is 4), Passive Civ Bonuses, and eventually, good strategies to perform with each Civ. Hello everyone, and welcome to my latest guide.

    Age of empires 3 civilization strengths and weaknesses